Plumbing Tips for Summer Hosting

Summer is the season for hosting backyard barbecues, pool parties, and family gatherings. While you’re busy planning menus and decorating, it’s important not to overlook your plumbing system.

With the increased usage that results from hosting events, the experts at C&C suggest you take additional steps to prevent plumbing mishaps. Here are some key plumbing tips to keep in mind:

Inspect and Maintain Your Plumbing

Before all the exciting summer festivities kick off, take some time to inspect your plumbing system for any signs of leaks, clogs, or other issues. If you have delayed getting a plumbing repair taken care of, now is the time to schedule your service appointment. The experts at C&C can also perform a whole-home plumbing inspection to help put your mind at ease.

Be Mindful of Your Garbage Disposal

With all the cooking and entertaining that comes with summer hosting and gatherings, your garbage disposal will be used more than usual. Be mindful of what you are putting down the disposal and avoid dumping large quantities of food scraps all at once. If your guests will be helping in the kitchen, it is also wise to inform them of the garbage disposal rules.

Monitor Your Outdoor Plumbing

Your outdoor plumbing also needs some extra attention this time of year. Check hoses, sprinklers, and outdoor faucets for any visible damage or issues. While you are outside, clear the outdoor drains of debris to prevent backups and flooding during heavy summer rainstorms.

Place Trash Bins in the Bathrooms

Imagine you are in the middle of hosting a summer gathering, and your toilet clogs…or even worse – overflows. What a disaster! We recommend placing a small trash bin in the bathrooms your guests will be using. This will give them a proper place to dispose of items that are not toilet tissue.

Have a Plumber on Speed Dial

We understand that sometimes, despite your best efforts, plumbing emergencies can still occur. Keep the contact information for a reliable plumber handy in case you need some additional assistance. C&C is proud to be your local expert, serving Central New Jersey for nearly 60 years!

Plumbing Assistance in Central New Jersey

By following these summer plumbing tips, you can ensure that your hosting duties go off without a hitch! If you need a reliable plumbing team to come to your rescue in the case of an emergency, C&C Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing & Electric is just a phone call away. Just reach out to us at 732-860-2660 to schedule your appointment!

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